I'd Rather Look Good.

I can guarantee that you have probably never met someone who has never been inspired, changed to whatever degree, or moved by the movies.  Whether it was during a specific time in their life, or how relatable it was to what that person was struggling with... every one I know at one point in time was hit, deep in their hearts, by a beautifully written, perfectly shot and produced motion picture.

As I was watching one of my favorite movies again, "Moneyball", a very sad thought ran across my mind.  It was saying, "Andy, look at how these great actors, can act so well, to play these great men and women many long to be like and are inspired by... yet how miserably Hollywood fails in their own lives to actually be like these great men and women they work so hard to play."

I can watch an actor live out a storied life of being the greatest father in the world, a live motion Atticus Finch even (one of the greatest literary heroes of our time), a war hero who never compromised and gave it all for the good of his country and for freedom, or even a 'closest to reality' we've seen of Jesus Christ in live motion picture... then hear about how hard the people behind these films failed to actually live out even a small portion of the characters they portray.  How the mighty have fallen.

There's a laundry list of names of actors and actresses who have fallen into this category, and I'm sure you and I could speak about all the different famous people we know who act one way on camera, and another way off the screen.  And what is the truth here?  Aren't we all imperfect?  Yes!  A wise saying.  This is not the point I am getting at.  What hurts the most, and burns deepest, is that these great actors and actresses spend so much more time, learning how to "act" out a good life, than they spend seeking a life that is 'act'ually good (pun intended).  To repeat, they spend so much time learning how to "act" out a good life, to "walk and talk" like a good man or woman, they neglect the time needed to actually become like these good men and women they "act" like.

And here's the kicker,

We are no better.

I have met time and time again, people who would care more about what others thought of them, than who they actually were behind the walls of their rooms.  I have met people who said they'd rather appear strong, than actually be strong.  They'd rather appear beautiful, than actually be beautiful.  They'd rather appear intelligent, like they've got it all together... then actually live out a wise, humble life.  And this ideal is so important to them, the approval of others, that it so powerfully influences the decisions they make in their lives to the point where they will not only lie to you and me, but even to themselves!  They would rather live a lie than see the truth.  They would rather be lied to than spoken truth to.  How far we have fallen from truth!

I'd like to end with a familiar story.

A Hare was lying comfortably in his shelter one sunny afternoon, deep in the green woods, when a curious and lively Tortoise walked up to him and asked "Would you like to run a race with me?  I have practiced much and would like to see how I fare against a hare.  I dare not presume to be quicker than an animal such as yourself, but if you would be so kind to amuse a friend in the slower spectrum of the Kingdom, I would very much appreciate the gesture!"  The Hare, trying not to show a condescending tone, replied, "Dear Tortoise, it would be a dishonor to me and all the other hares of the Kingdom if I were to race against an animal such as yourself.  When an animal becomes a part of this spectrum of the Kingdom, we do not think as you do.  We must keep up appearances you know.  How silly my fellow hares would think of me to lower myself to race even a tortoise!  They would think I couldn't run or something!"  Truth was, the Hare had injured himself trying to jump a pond that was much too big for him to jump, but couldn't bear the thought of others knowing he was a rabbit who couldn't run anymore.

The Tortoise replied, "But my dear friend, we have never raced before.  How do you know if I am that much slower than you are to warrant ridicule from your comrades?  And I could learn from you, to better my own running in hopes of becoming a faster animal in the Kingdom."  The Hare, trying very hard to sound as if he truly cared for the Tortoise, continued telling the Tortoise more reasons why racing was out of the question.

After they had finished their talk the Tortoise walked off, sad he did not get to race a hare that day.  The Hare, sitting still until the Tortoise was out of sight, sprang out of his shelter and immediately went to tell all the friends of the wood, including and most especially not forgetting those who were acquainted with tortoises, that the Hare was far superior in running ability than the Tortoise, and how laughable the idea was of them racing one another.  He would tell stories of how quick he could run to and fro, even told stories of how he outran foxes and leopards (though there weren't any leopards or foxes in those woods, only hearsay).  The Hare even went as far as to get his close friends, who were just as lazy as he was, to act out scenes of their former races in their days, and the glory that came with being crowned the fastest animal in the Kingdom (when in fact, they were much slower than many of the larger four legged animals).  And though the Tortoise would have understood if the Hare had explained his injury, for tortoises are known to be patient, the Hare was too embarrassed to admit it, and became all the more determined to make sure all the wood knew that he was indeed faster than the Tortoise.

As time passed the Tortoise ventured out to different parts of the wood, meeting many animals and eventually became known around all the Kingdom as a lover of races and physical prowess, that though he never was the champion of any of the races he raced in, he was respected as the humble Tortoise, who helped other creatures realize the depth of their own physical giftings.  And to this day, in many crowds, he is the animal's favorite, just as it is in humans it too is also in animals;  it is always fun to root for the underdog.  

And for months and months, and years and years, the Hare never left his shelter, deep in the green woods, with friends of the wood, telling stories of how superior hares were than tortoises, and telling stories of how quick he could dart to and fro, even outrunning foxes and leopards (though there are not any leopards or foxes in his woods, only hearsay).  And though the Hare was invited many times to join the races, I do believe the Hare is still sitting in his shelter, deep in the green woods, telling stories to the same friends, to this very day.


2pac's Hologram.

In light of this really, really cool concept coming to life before our eyes at Coachella, I found myself listening to 2pac songs again.  For whatever reason, I began to get sad...

I see 2pac and I see two things, two sides, or as MLK Jr. said, a civil war going on in the heart of the man.  He had hatred, anger, pride, jealousy, and lust on one end of his spectrum, and the other... he had regret, depression, hope, gratitude, and love.  Remind you of someone?

I remember growing up as a teenager and a college student, idolizing him over most anyone else, even putting him next to MLK and Ghandi (at the time).  While this certainly isn't a warranted praise, I found that what I really connected to was his "real"ness.  Or as Pac would say, "I'm the realest mother f***** you ever saw".  As arrogant of an expression as that is, he was right in a lot of ways.  How many people do you know, can you honestly, truthfully say, gives you their word, means it, and follows through with it, every time you speak with them?

I only know a few.

How many people you know, in your church, actually says something, and then actually does it?  

I only know a few.

How many people do you know, would lay down their pride, and in all humility and honesty, come before God and him or herself, and lay down all of their sins before Him?  And then, when possible, ask for forgiveness to the one they wronged?

"For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it." Matt 7:14

I see 2pac and I see a man who once sought out good, sought out a life of hope, and couldn't find it.  Instead, he was enticed by a life of extravagance, boastfulness, riches and fame, and succumbed to his desires that, truth be told, we all succumb to, to our own degree, in our own lives, and through our own way.  So what is truth?

There are few who find it.

If this hologram, singing "Makaveli" in the background reminded me of anything, spoke anything to my heart, it was that his "resurrection" is a reminder of the death that is caused by the human condition of great pride, and the social evangelism that preaches pride, passion & power;  the three jewels of the modern world.  I long to see you in heaven my beloved, and my pride is in grace.  My passion is you.  And my power is in the love of Christ, my beloved, my resurrection, my life.


The Road is Long

Paul's journey was a difficult one, to say the least.  He was flogged, beaten, stoned, left shipwrecked, starving, hungry and destitute... put in chains, left cold and naked... all for the sake of the Gospel.  I sometimes asked, and perhaps you have too... why did he do all that?

Would I?

I have never met a true follower of Christ, a true man of God, living by faith and not by sight, being led by the Spirit, trusting in the Lord with all their hearts, not have to sacrifice all they have for their Lord Jesus Christ.  After all, He is Lord is He not?  The God of all creation, of heaven and earth, holy and awesome in power and glory, gracious and kind to those who call to Him, even to those who do not...  and we as His servants, are no greater than He are we?  He washed our feet.  We ought to wash one another's.  He gave up His seat in heaven, His equality with God, His position, His rank, His table in the Kingdom eternal... to be beaten, spit on and humiliated by men and women, all to save men and women.

Yet for this He ascended on high, to the right Hand of God, loved by the Father for His humility, His goodness, and His faithfulness.  Easter Sunday.  The greatest day of my life, where every whimper and complaint that comes from my heart, every arrogant finger pointed at the Lord, every hedonistic pleasure given in to so easily, and every hateful and spiteful word and thought I felt and released... I count them against me no more, for the Judge, the Father, does not count them against me.  Though I sin, and continue to do so... though I have weakness after weakness... I can boast of them.  Because He still enjoys me during these times.  This is not a hockey game.  God does not have a penalty box for those of us who fail, who struggle, and who are weak.  I do not run from the Father no longer, in shame and guilt, thinking if enough time passes of my feeling "sorry" for what I had done, all will be well with me and my Father again.  There are no spiritual "time-outs" for the purpose of gaining God's love; there never were.  His favor was never dependent upon what I did... remember?  It was dependent on Jesus Christ, on the nature of the Father, and my "yes" cry to Him.  We have inherited His righteousness.  I do not mean to say that God approves of all that I do... by no means, we are told to put away our former lusts.  But I am speaking of what God did for us... that though we still struggle through the years, He is always with us.  He is not upset with you, but He enjoys you, loves you, even in your weakness, even in your laziness, even if you have fallen into spiritual slumber.  Though you have not been seeking Him... though every step you take you wonder if it is for the Lord and why you feel so alone... He loves you!  Go to Him!  He will reveal to you more than you can imagine, and give you the strength to continue on, and carry you back to where you belong, so that the lions will not devour you whole.

What man among you, if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open pasture and go after the one which is lost until he finds it?  When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.  And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!'  I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.  (Luke 15)

We repent daily, as even in the Lord's prayer, we ask for daily bread along with the forgiveness of our debts, for his mercies are new every morning, great is His faithfulness (Lam 3)  When we truly believe this, I believe, we will know why Paul suffered so much.  For we love God because He loved us first... and as I grow to know Him more, of how loving, faithful, and awesome He is.. I will grow more in love with the Father, have more faith in Him, and my faith and love will be seen not by words, theology or song.. but by deed.  The cost is great to follow the Lord, isn't it?  Yet I count all things as loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus (Phil 3).  The sufferings are great to be glorified with Him, aren't they?  Yet we consider that the sufferings of the present are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us (Rom 8).  Paul, a human like you and I, did not attain this perfection while writing this letter, and I certainly have not either... yet my soul cries,

...that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. (Phil 3)  God we seek You, show us Your glory.