Where is the Love?

How often do we think of the lost? I mean really... when's the last time we wept over those who are destined for Hades? You see, whether you believe in God or don't, a person who truly believes in God doesn't only surround himself with entertainment and work. They don't only think about when the new movie's coming out, or when I get my next paycheck, or whose birthday is coming up next. These things have value, but isn’t there something greater than this, something greater than my own troubles? How often are we so concerned with our needs that we forget the needy? How often are we so concerned with our own salvation that we forget to preach to others? Isn't this heart, the heart of the Father? What about the people who are starving, wondering where they're going to find a clean source of water, who don't have the hope of eternity, lying on their death beds wondering what's going to happen to them next? When's the last time we wept over them? I prayed to the Lord,

"God forgive me! I do not love enough!

God forgive me! I sought after Your knowledge but did not seek after Your love!

God forgive me! I forgot that I am clothed in righteousness, a son of the Most High God!

God forgive me! I thought of attaining perfection and did not dwell upon Yours!”

God forgive me, truly, for in the midst of seeking out opportunities to minister, I forgot to minister to You.

Where is the love? Where has my love gone? I have cared only for myself and not the troubles of others. I told God that to be honest, I use to have such a greater burden than I do now. Francis Chan and his board of elders held a meeting once confessing all their sins to one another, most of their sins being that they use to love so much more than they do now. Steven Curtis Chapman wrote a song about the same thing. I didn't want to hide, I didn't want to front, I didn't want to act like I was better, but when I heard that I knew I was guilty of the same thing. So here's my question to you:

If we were shown a video of children dying, wasting away from water poisoning, drinking out of a puddle of mud you and I wouldn’t let our children step in, does that do anything for you? Prove it. A famous pastor once said to an American congregation, you can tell a lot about Christians by looking at their checkbook. Are you generous? How much money do we spend on toys and entertainment, compared to missions and feeding the poor, widows and orphans?

And you know something? I can't wait. I can't wait for God to show up and do His thing. I can't wait for Him to change our hearts. I don't want to sound mopey and sad. I can't wait for this because I know for a FACT that God is going to do this thing, He's going to move this country, this people, these hearts that have grown callous and cold (and He's doing it now). I can't wait for that to happen here. God hears the prayers of the righteous, and I know people who have wept and prayed over this country with me who I consider to be far better than I, and I know God is coming. I know your heart is going to change, as is mine, that we're going to continually be moving up towards heaven and not back down towards earth, our former way of living; we're gonna be freed of all the bondage and accusations that come from the Devil and walk in the glory of the Son. I know this because I know Him, or rather, because He knows me. And because He knows me and the Son laid down His life for me, my desire, oh Father in heaven, oh King of Kings, is to do the same for my brothers and sisters in need.

You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows. -Psalm 23:5

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