2pac's Hologram.

In light of this really, really cool concept coming to life before our eyes at Coachella, I found myself listening to 2pac songs again.  For whatever reason, I began to get sad...

I see 2pac and I see two things, two sides, or as MLK Jr. said, a civil war going on in the heart of the man.  He had hatred, anger, pride, jealousy, and lust on one end of his spectrum, and the other... he had regret, depression, hope, gratitude, and love.  Remind you of someone?

I remember growing up as a teenager and a college student, idolizing him over most anyone else, even putting him next to MLK and Ghandi (at the time).  While this certainly isn't a warranted praise, I found that what I really connected to was his "real"ness.  Or as Pac would say, "I'm the realest mother f***** you ever saw".  As arrogant of an expression as that is, he was right in a lot of ways.  How many people do you know, can you honestly, truthfully say, gives you their word, means it, and follows through with it, every time you speak with them?

I only know a few.

How many people you know, in your church, actually says something, and then actually does it?  

I only know a few.

How many people do you know, would lay down their pride, and in all humility and honesty, come before God and him or herself, and lay down all of their sins before Him?  And then, when possible, ask for forgiveness to the one they wronged?

"For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it." Matt 7:14

I see 2pac and I see a man who once sought out good, sought out a life of hope, and couldn't find it.  Instead, he was enticed by a life of extravagance, boastfulness, riches and fame, and succumbed to his desires that, truth be told, we all succumb to, to our own degree, in our own lives, and through our own way.  So what is truth?

There are few who find it.

If this hologram, singing "Makaveli" in the background reminded me of anything, spoke anything to my heart, it was that his "resurrection" is a reminder of the death that is caused by the human condition of great pride, and the social evangelism that preaches pride, passion & power;  the three jewels of the modern world.  I long to see you in heaven my beloved, and my pride is in grace.  My passion is you.  And my power is in the love of Christ, my beloved, my resurrection, my life.


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